Rac Approved Garage

Quality Assured Service

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Full, Interim and Major Service Rac Approved Garage

VSC Car Servicing Hounslow provide full, interim and major Volkswagen service, at prices that beat the main dealerships.

Discover our extensive RAC Approved servicing options at VSC Car Servicing Hounslow. Whether it's full servicing, interim maintenance, or major repairs, our committed team delivers precise attention to detail, offering dependable solutions tailored to your needs.

The RAC have been serving motorists since 1897, and as the motorist's champion, it's their duty to provide motorists with a network of independent garages they can trust, that's why they set up the RAC Approved Garages Network.

As an RAC Approved Garage we follow the RAC Customer Charter for Approved Garages. This means you will every time you bring your vehicle you will get:

  • Honest pricing - All work will be explained clearly and the costs will be transparent
  • Quality work - Any repairs done will meet the high standard set by the RAC
  • Exceptional customer service - You'll find the service friendly, straightforward and jargon free

For more information about the RAC and the Approved Garages network, please visit: www.rac.co.uk/approvedgarages

Free Collection and Delivery With Your Car Service

We go all out for our customers – we offer competitive prices, free collection and delivery for customers with 5 miles exclusively for full, major, and interim services only. so you can leave the garage in a car that feels brand new.
